I love mountains and being up high - it helps clear my head. It must be something to do with a little less oxygen, using concentrated energy and being away from the hurly-burly of day to day work. I always seem to see things in a greater perspective. So, climbing eight Munros last week (including the Inaccessible Pinnacle - see photo) and musing on the three Fs (functionality + philosophy = fulfilment) I began to realise that a good life is a blend of hierarchical motivations: for me - for us - for everyone - for everything. And the higher we are able to go, the more satisfied we are likely to be - just like mountains. And it is OK sometimes to just look after ourselves (for me) in order that we can, look after others. Those closest first (for us) and then wider (for everyone). A new friend observed, on talking through this "Don't forget the environment and sustainability" and so I added (for everything!). Hence the title of this piece, now my new maxim - like the three musketeers!